Many years ago, my grandfather took me aside and said, “Danil, no one’s ever going to tell you anything more important than what I’m about to tell you: blogs are the future in post-media organosynthetic thamatuergically synergized pre-deliberative real time market engagement.”
As an easily influenced eight year old, I took his words to heart and decided not to go into marketing.
This is a blog about functional programming and/or madness and/or cognition. “Madness” is meant here in the Lovecraftian sense, not in the mental health sense - it’s the year 2020, so we’ve all taken seventh grade Focault Studies, and thus we all know that the concept of madness is an outdated and harmful tool of social control. Needless to say, mental health is a very serious issue, and if you find yourself exhibiting symptoms of it, e.g. the telltale bullseye rash, you should talk to your doctor about organosynthetic thamatuergically synergized medicinal solves straight away.
The blog’s title is a portmanteau which forms a pun of a bastardization of the words “monadic” and “monoidal”. Arithmetically we could render this as (“Monadic” + “Monoidal” = Monadal) + “addle” = “Monaddle.” The type equation for this kind of operation is Words => BetterWords. This strategy - combining inscrutable symbols to create other inscrutable symbols - is what functional programmers mean when they advocate composition.
In the paragraph before last, the word “solves” is a pun for the word “salves.” From the same paragraph, if you mispronounce the name “Focault” just right, it sounds a little like “social”, which makes “Focault Studies” a slant pun for “social studies.” Thoughtful touches like these are what Strunk and White mean when they advocate style.